Write Conscious
Write Conscious Unscripted
Iron John Course: PT. 1

Iron John Course: PT. 1

Exploring Real Masculinity from a Mythopoetic Lens

This Saturday at 7 AM PST, we are kicking off our Iron John Book Club.

Iron John is the most important book for men to read in 2024. The mythopoetic movement in the 1990s was the best attempt at creating a unified men’s movement. Today, the men’s movement is a red-pilled mess of hatred, confusion, and circle-jerking, where men achieve a pseudo-form of enlightenment.

However, Bly is one of the most influential American poets ever and isn’t some religious or repressed shock jock trying to move us backward toward a lost ideal.

Iron John blends fairytales (the ancient form of individuation for men), poetry, and criticism to create a field guide for masculinity in the modern world. This course will span over 5+ hours, as I’ve already done a 4+ hour breakdown of Bly’s other book, “The Sibling Society,” which has even less to discuss. I hope to see you in the book club calls or during office hours to discuss it with me! If not, have fun with the course.

- Ian

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Write Conscious
Write Conscious Unscripted
Daily podcasts on literature, poetry, philosophy, and all aspects of knowledge!