Write Conscious
Write Conscious Unscripted
The Most Hated Philosopher in the World

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The Most Hated Philosopher in the World

A new series on Julius Evola!

I am leaning into my Italian muses and walking straight into the fire with a new series on Julius Evola. Many know him as an insane esoteric superfacist, and there have been countless articles written about him in major publications (Unherd, The Atlantic, etc.) slamming him over the past few years.

But I’m not scared of controversial figures, and I’m aligned with Evola’s philosophy of how we should live our personal lives and spread our art into the world. Evola is super wacky and a superfacist, but we are all mature enough to look beyond some of his shortcomings (and super wrong opinions) and take what we need from him.

This series will break down his best book, Revolt Against the Modern World.

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Write Conscious
Write Conscious Unscripted
Daily podcasts on literature, poetry, philosophy, and all aspects of knowledge!