It’s sad that there are people who change because of a traumatic upbringing. I believe that people really do immitate those they are surrounded with and being with people who support you is such a blessing. It’s nice to support others too and not live a life of fear.
The best thing we can do is support one another with love, grace, patience, and understanding. Just some random thoughts of mine on the topic of morality.
That last part was outstanding. People can change, but it is a monumental task. In my own life, it has almost always required an external source. Massive and overwhelming humiliation is about the only thing that ever wakes me up.
Forgot the name of the study from years ago but it was basically arguing that peers have more influence on children than parents once they start attending grade school. So there’s genetics of course and nurturing from the parents which is then influenced by peers. Not sure how true it is but I have also seen good kids go bad and vice versa.
I think we are born with our natural virtue which is at different levels in different people. Some children (like me) would never hurt and animal (like a neighbor's dog), and some do, laughing about it and enjoying it. I saw these things when I was a kid and you guys probably did too.
When the society forces morality on the citizens, we end up with jails. What if we got rid of all cops, prosecutors, and jails? Well then the psychopaths would take over. But how can we be sure of that? We're not idiots. If we had total freedom and a murderous asshole came around us, wouldn't we just kill him? If we were totally free, would life be better or worse?
It’s sad that there are people who change because of a traumatic upbringing. I believe that people really do immitate those they are surrounded with and being with people who support you is such a blessing. It’s nice to support others too and not live a life of fear.
The best thing we can do is support one another with love, grace, patience, and understanding. Just some random thoughts of mine on the topic of morality.
That last part was outstanding. People can change, but it is a monumental task. In my own life, it has almost always required an external source. Massive and overwhelming humiliation is about the only thing that ever wakes me up.
Forgot the name of the study from years ago but it was basically arguing that peers have more influence on children than parents once they start attending grade school. So there’s genetics of course and nurturing from the parents which is then influenced by peers. Not sure how true it is but I have also seen good kids go bad and vice versa.
I think we are born with our natural virtue which is at different levels in different people. Some children (like me) would never hurt and animal (like a neighbor's dog), and some do, laughing about it and enjoying it. I saw these things when I was a kid and you guys probably did too.
When the society forces morality on the citizens, we end up with jails. What if we got rid of all cops, prosecutors, and jails? Well then the psychopaths would take over. But how can we be sure of that? We're not idiots. If we had total freedom and a murderous asshole came around us, wouldn't we just kill him? If we were totally free, would life be better or worse?
Nature is the dog, nurture is the tail the dog wags. And blaming nurture for nature, that's a weasel.
Everything a serial killer wagged to "become" a serial killer countless others also wagged to "become" other characterizations.
Survivorship bias survives because it, too, is inborn in so many.