Infinite Jest Bookclub (Completed)
Finishing the most unfinished novel ever together! Beginners and
Infinite Jest is not an easy book to finish. If you’ve never dabbled into postmodernist fiction or 1000+ page books, the likelihood of you completing it is pretty low.
However, if you join the Substack, follow along with my weekly breakdowns for beginners on Infinite Jest, ask questions during office hours, the book club, or in the comments, I GUARANTEE you will finish the book.
The reading should take less than 40 minutes a week; you can listen to my breakdowns on your favorite podcast player while driving or doing other tasks and hop on Zoom if you need that extra kick of motivation or clarification.
Infinite Jest is a rare book that can change your life. It helped me gain better control of my addictions, gain clarity on parental/familial trauma, made me a way better reader/writer, and introduced me to so many new ideas. Even after reading the book 10+ times, I still find it hard to read. However, with all the support structures in place, we will all finish the book by the end of the year :)
Book Club Rules: Only attend if you’ve read the selected section! Other than that, anything goes 🤣
We will meet each week on Sunday at 9 AM PST
June 3rd - June 9th
Pages 3-37 (the chapter ends with “the TP’s viewer’s digital display reads 1927h.”
June 10th - June 16th
Pages 37 - 68 (the chapter ends with “for all the apparatus of the game.”)
June 17th - June 23rd
Pages 68 - 109 (the chapter ends with “all over the map in terms of key.”)
June 24th - June 30th
109 - 151 (the chapter ends with “and didn’t cause much industry concern.”)
July 1st - July 7th
151-181 (the chapter ends with “First just let me say one thing.”)
July 8th - July 14th
181 - 218 (chapter ends with “mock-supplicant’s gesture Schacht’s just now made.”)
July 15th - July 21st
218 - 258 (chapter ends with “his expression terrifically intense.”)
July 22nd - July 28th
258 - 299 (chapter ends with “Of Particular interest are the eyes.”)
July 29th - August 4th
299 - 342 (chapter ends with “Is creepily muffled by the no-sound of falling snow.”)
August 4th - August 10th
343 - 374 (chapter ends with 5-Man men’s room’s commode.” )
August 12th - August 18th
375 - 418 (chapter ends with “forgiving chill of infinite space)
Book club call will also include the previous week’s reading which was pages 343 - 374
August 19th - August 25th
418 - 469 (chapter ends wth “he can get a fork to his mouth”
August 26th - September 1st
470 - 530 (chapter ends with “I’d never realized.”
9/8 - Read until page 589 with section that ends with “and be seen as an accomplice’s breath, potentially”
9/15 - Read until page 648 and stop before the 13 November YDAU section that starts with “0245”
9/22 - End on page 711 with section that ends with “was the right choice, personally speaking”
9/29 - End on page 755 with section that ends with “Marathe gestured finally as in But of Course”
10/6 - Read until page 809 where a new chapter (circle ring) begins with “The ceiling was breathing”
10/13 - Read until page 845 and stop before the 19 Novebmer YDAU section that starts with “After Remy”
10/20 - End on page 896 with section that ends with “God knows where”
10/27 - Finish Book