Consider the Lobster Book Club (Completed)
Read Wallace's best collection of non-fiction essays
You guys may have listened to some of my course videos on Consider the Lobster, where I dive into the adult industry, the usage wars, animal rights, and Dostoveksy for hours at a time. But now I want to read the essays and discuss them with you! Consider the Lobster, my favorite nonfiction collection by Wallace, is a great place to start if you’ve never read him before!
Book Club Rules: Only attend if you’ve read the selected section! Other than that, anything goes 🤣
We will meet each week on Sunday at 10:45 AM
June 3rd - June 9th
1-65 - Big Red Son, Certainly the End of Something or Other, One Would Sort of Have to Think, Some Remarks on Kafka’s Funniness.
June 10th - June 16th
67-126- Authority and American Usage
June 17th - June 23rd
128 - 155 - The view from Mrs. Thompson - How Tracy Thompson Broke my Heart -
June 24th - June 30th
156 - 234 Up, Simba
July 1st - July 7th
235 - 274 Consider the Lobster - Joseph Frank’s Dostoevsky - Host