Blood Meridian For Writers Pt. 4
How McCarthy Revised Blood Meridian in Depth
How did Cormac McCarthy revise Blood Meridian? Below are four pages from an early draft of Blood Meridian and an analysis of the changes McCarthy made to improve them. There are also four writing assignments that I will be reading for those who complete them! Take your time finishing them. I know I am getting these assignments out late.
If you want me to read your up to 10,000-word short story inspired by McCarthy, it is due by 11/2.
I decided to go with a written piece as it’s easier to explain McCarthy’s revision. See everyone this Saturday at 7:30 AM for the book club call. Pt. 4 will be out soon!
The Beginning
The start of Blood Meridian is epic. However, it didn’t start that way! Below, you will see one of literature’s best passages before it became great.